Stars To Steer By

The misadventures of a creative mind

Paris Brest – Another Pastry I’ll Never Be Able To Pronounce April 9, 2015

Filed under: Daring Baker Challenges — Cisa @ 2:24 pm
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Disclaimer: This post was supposed be posted months ago, but I forgot it in the drafts folder, so here’s Paris Brest, just a little late.

This months Daring Baker’s challenge was paris brest. When first hearing that name I panicked slightly, mostly because french desserts are notoriously difficult. But then I read the description and realized that paris brest is essentially a circular cream puff. And you get to slice it in half rather than trying to fill it with a pastry bag (which is always the part I can never get right). Cream puffs aren’t actually that hard, in fact you can make them all in one pan. So I challenge anyone reading this post – don’t be scared of the cream puff, grab a pan and impress all your friends/family with this dessert!

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Tarte Tatin: Upside Down Pie March 27, 2015

When you think of upside down desserts what pops into your mind? For me its upside down pineapple cake, a pear version I tried once in a crock pot, a ice cream cones that have succumbed to gravity. But for much of the world, there are many foods prepped upside down and flipped for presentation. And this month, for the March Daring bakers’ challenge, Korena from Korena in the Kitchen taught us that some treats are best enjoyed upside down. She challenged us to make a tarte tatin from scratch. For those who don’t know what a tarte tatin is, it’s sort of like an upside down, single crust pie. You make a caramel, cook a bunch of fruit (or veggies), top with a pastry crust, and bake the whole thing in the oven. It’s then flipped out of the pan when your ready to eat it. (more…)


Siopao, Bao, a New Attempt at Asian Cuisine February 27, 2015

Until I went to college, I didn’t have much experience with Asian cuisine, past pretty basic teriyaki. Then I moved to a much bigger city, with a much more diverse group of people, and all the sudden Asian cusine was everywhere. But even though I’ve started eating and enjoying this fabulous food, the concept of trying to make it myself is still very daunting. So this month, when the Daring Bakers’ told us we were going to be making Siopao, a yeasted bun full of savory/sweet fillings that hails from the Orient, I was a little nervous. (more…)


Campfire Cinnamon Rolls June 27, 2014

Yes, you read that right. I don’t just go camping, I go camping with style, and make cinnamon rolls on Sunday mornings when I’m out in the woods. Okay that’s not quite true, this is the first time I’ve tried these. I’m trying to be good about doing the daring baker’s challenge each month, and this month the Daring Bakers kept our creativity rolling with cinnamon bun inspired treats. Shelley from C Mom Cook dared us to create our own dough and fill it with any filling we wanted to craft tasty rolled treats, cinnamon not required!


Your New Favorite, Easy as Heck, Cheesy Puff Bread May 29, 2014

I’ve been a bit busy as of late – gallivanting around the globe reaching Ireland, England, and New Zealand. So I’ve been very bad and ignored posting on here and partaking in the Daring Kitchen challenges only on whims. But, life should calm down shortly so I’m back and bringing you a lovely new recipe from the heart of Brazil – Pao de Queso.

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Twisted Loaves – Art You Can Eat February 27, 2014

Filed under: Daring Baker Challenges,Kitchen Catastrophes — Cisa @ 9:30 am
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Beauty surrounded the Daring Bakers this month as our host, Sawsan, of chef in disguise, challenged us to make beautiful, filled breads. Who knew breads could look as great as they taste? Well, really anyone who has ever had the great joy of playing with breads – risen loaves that look like little animals, croissants achieving their destined golden hue, french baguettes with their long parallel slices jutting across the surface. All bread is beautiful. But I’ll admit, this bread is a thing unto itself, layers separated by different colored fillings, twisted into patterns and spirals.




Layer by Layer….by Layer by Layer by Layer February 10, 2014

I’ll admit it freely, I’m not getting any better at posting anything on time here. Sorry about that. Last month’s baking challenge for The Daring Baker’s was actually a recipe that I have heard referenced in Japanese culture, but which originally stems from Germany or near there: baumkuchen. This beautiful little cake is made in painstakingly thin layers, one layer at a time until there are dozens of them, one on top of the other. Each layer is baked individually, so it browns on top and when you cut into the cake you can see each layer, tan against the lighter yellow of the cake, and since it is normally baked on a spit (which makes the resulting cake round), it got the name “tree cake”.

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2014….WHOOOOPIE!! January 6, 2014

Filed under: Daring Baker Challenges,Kitchen Catastrophes — Cisa @ 9:31 pm
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I’m sorry, that was a terrible word play, but it does lead in to the December challenge from the Daring Baker’s group. This month’s recipe was whoopie pies. when I think whoopie pies I for some reason think southern US. I’m really not sure why, but that’s what pops into my head…and makes me feel like I should pair these with iced tea. Anyway, here’s a fun recipe for soft cakey cookies filled with a marshmallow creme. For a holiday twist these ones were rolled in crushed candy canes.



The Italian Upper Body Workout December 6, 2013

I know it been a while, but I’m pleased to finally be writing about another Daring Baker’s challenge. This month Sandie of the lovely blog, Crumbs of Love, was our November hostess. Sandie challenged us to make a traditional Italian dessert, along with its American version – Sfogliatelle (or better known in the US – lobster tails!) The flakey, 1000 layers of super thin dough, shaped into a horn and filled with a scrumptious filling. Così buono!



Pie, Pie, Pie! June 30, 2013

Filed under: Daring Baker Challenges — Cisa @ 12:37 am
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It’s that time again…actually I’m a little late posting this months Daring Bakers challenge. Rachael from pizzarossa was our lovely June 2013 Daring Bakers’ host and she had us whipping up delicious pies in our kitchens! Cream pies, fruit pies, chocolate pies, even crack pies! There’s nothing like pie!




Kara Hobbs Portfolio

The misadventures of a creative mind

La cocina de Aisha

The misadventures of a creative mind

The misadventures of a creative mind